Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Moving Forward (3 chaters)

"The doors shut behind me. Oh boy. It was like I imagine being inside a car engine would be like; grey metal parts everywhere. Except I really felt like throwing up. No, worse. I was on my knees by the time I figured out what was going on. My arms hurt so bad, like they were vibrating. So this was dying. Way cool. I always wondered what it would feel like."

Summer's here, and I'm finally writing full steam ahead. I'm working on what's essentially chapter 4, depending on whether you count the first chapter as a chapter or just an introduction. It could go either way, but it's so long I'm counting it as a chapter. Gosh, it's so good to finally write these characters I've been keeping cooped up on my wall for so long(in the form of character sheets)! They're shining.

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